September 2022: Back to a warm and dry month


September 2022: Many days in the 70s and 80s drove the mean temperature way above normal. Lows that should have been in the 30s and 40s often went into the 50s. A persistent upper level ridge pretty much capped the precipitation pattern resulting in a 40 percent reduction in moisture. Only three events brought moderate rain. Smoke from fires in the Pacific Northwest were transported by frequent northwesterly winds aloft giving us days of hazy skies.

Temperature: Upper level ridging brought warm temperatures to Colorado especially evident in our warm overnight lows. The mean high temperature was 69F with an average low of 46F. These combined to make the month 5 degrees above normal. Highest temperature of the month was 83F on the 6th, lowest high was 43 on the 10th. Lowest low was 32F on the 11th.

Precipitation: No significant systems occurred during the month. We had rainy periods from the 9th to the 11th; the 21st to the 23rd; and the 30th. In each case a Pacific disturbance triggered the showers. The monsoon was not a factor in our September precipitation. Total precipitation was 1 inch with 1.74 inches being normal. Nederland had no measurable snow for the month.

Winds: Only one day with significant winds….45mph on the 23rd.

Other Features: Generally a pretty boring upper level pattern that went from a broad ridge to weak troughs mostly going to our north. Aspens were firing off their colors as the month came to an end.

Outlook for October: October brings cooler temperatures frequently below freezing, with an average high of 54F and an average low of 29F. October has 1.26 inches of moisture but has high variability. Snow enters the picture with a monthly total of 11 inches but through the years we have seen near zero to two feet. Seven days have winds at 40+mph. The long range models are indicating a major event about mid-month with rain and snow likely. The outlook for the whole month indicates warm and moist conditions.