November 2022: Cool, but very near normal


November 2022: Cooler than normal, but near normal in all other weather elements. We had a number of strong systems from the Pacific coupling to cold incursions on the Great Plains. These kept our temperatures cooler than average by a couple of degrees. They also resulted in a number of small to moderate snowfalls that brought us to November values typical of long-term averages. We managed to sustain snow cover over the whole month (at least on north-facing slopes). Even the windy day count was right on normal with 11 days.

Temperature: After a warm start for the first week things got much cooler for the remainder of the month. There were no brutal sub-zero days but we had several in the single digits. Average high was 38F with an average low of 19F. Highest temperature of the month was 60F on the first, lowest high was 16F on the 29th. Lowest low was 2F on the 18th. Monthly average was 2.5 degrees below average.

Precipitation: With a 5-inch snow early in the month, an 8 inch snow during the mid-portion, and another 4 inch or so in the last week we managed to eke out an average November snow. These were brought on by upslope events. Total for the month was 19.4 inches, a couple of inches above normal. This melted out to 1.1 inches of liquid.

Winds: A normal month for winds with 11 days at 40+ mph and 4 over 50mph. A big event was the 70 mph gusts on the 5th. Hope your trash containers didn’t go too far..

Other Features: An active wave train brought in some strong upper level waves and Arctic incursions, more like the Novembers of the past.

Outlook for December: Winter is definitely here with an average high of 34F and lows of 15F. We get 17 inches of snow and 1 inch of liquid. Winds…oh… winds blow on 14 days, nearly half the month! Long term models are indicating generally dry and windy for the first two weeks. Storms look likely on the 6th and 16th. The remainder of the month looks warm and dry with lots of windy days.