PEAK PERSPECTIVES: News of the Newspaper


It’s that time of year, our annual trek with kids going back to school. Well, sort of. A lot of our staff have kids going back to school, but mine doesn’t start school for a month. He is however working on his resume to find a part-time job in his new home in Pullman, Washington. His question to me, as we worked through the process, “Mom, why didn’t they teach us this in school?” Indeed, why didn’t they? What life skills courses are offered in school these days that prepare kids for the next chapter of life? I’m asking, honestly, what do your kids take in school to have a good start in life? Typing, checkbook balancing, meal preparation, sewing, laundry, how to build a resume? I’m curious what local schools have life skill courses to prepare them for the day they move out. I’d love to write a column about that in the future.

The Mountain-Ear is now searching for interns. We will hire a senior intern from Nederland, Gilpin and Chinook (if they apply) in the next month. As well as other ages to work for the paper. We work with the interns to teach them about what we do here. I have this theory that teaching the kids about the importance of journalism, and specifically about small town news, is the best way to keep students engaged in the future of reporting. Interns can be expected to investigate, research, and fact-check information, propose and write local interesting stories, and basically, yeah, report the news. Our interns may also work on our podcast, work on video projects, social media and more!

If you are a high school senior (or any grade in high school), looking for a paid intern position, email for more info.

This week, some of The Mountain-Ear staff and family will trek down to Thornton to attend the Colorado Press Association Convention. During the three-day event, we will learn all about innovative ideas in journalism. We will share meals, share ideas, collaborate with other TEAMS and we will pick up a few awards at the CPA Better News and Hall of Fame Awards. News about that in next week’s paper!

Have you read about The Mountain-Ear archive? The archived paper is available online here, to read articles from 1977 through part of 2010. We plan to also have these files on our website in the future. But for now, you can check it out on the Colorado Historical Newspaper Collection website here: https:// ---en-20--1--img-txIN%7ctxCO%7ctx TA--------0------

Our Studio Tour is closed to artists and sponsors at this time. The guide will hit stands before the end of August. Check back with us for more details!

Our Everybody’s Listening podcast is shared online every Monday. The latest is right here:

This week, we are launching a new Keep it Local campaign for the business of Nederland. To find out more, email or submit your info here to be included (must be in town limits):

Don’t forget to check out all of our event calendars, from local library events to community events, to government meetings, self-help meetings, music of the entire Peak to Peak, senior luncheons, what’s happening at our local Rec center and more! You’ll notice we have expanded our calendar listings throughout the paper. We’ve always had the only print and online music listing that covers the Peak to Peak. Now, you’ll be able to find more local events, government meetings, self-help meetings, and more. Stick with us, we’ll let you know everywhere you need to be and what you’ll want to see. And it’s also all online on our online calendar. Submit your event here:

We welcome thoughtful letters to the editor. You can submit your letter to the editor here:

And you can always submit an obituary here:

You can find the latest police reports here: category/police-reports/.

And local government is always right here: category/government/.

And you can always find our latest music stories here: music-of-the-mountains/.

Interested in advertising? We offer the ONLY print publication in the Peak to Peak that hits stands every Thursday and covers ALL the news of our region. You can find out about advertising here: ear-media-kit-2024/ or email Bethany at for more info on newspaper ads, online, podcast, special sections and more.

Are you in our business directory? Over 400 businesses are right here, at the touch of a fingertip. These are running through 2024 for FREE and include anyone currently advertising in the print edition or online, as well as many we have published stories about in the last couple of years. Check it out here: location/.

And don’t forget you can always find us on Facebook here: and on Instagram here: ear/ and on our website here: https://

LOVE IT? Subscribe here. We have rates from $6 per month online to yearly in and out-of-state print subscriptions. It’s all available here:

As always, The Mountain-Ear is YOUR community source for news. We welcome your thoughtful letters, stories, phone calls, and emails. We cover the news YOU want to read, in the communities you love. Peak to Peak.

Reach us at or by phone at 303-810-5409. Thanks for reading the voice of the Peak to Peak since 1977!