Election watch: The importance of local elections

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All the emphasis right now is on our national election…chances are, as you read this, you are reflecting on the debate that took place on TV a few nights ago. But it’s often the local elections that are closest to our personal experience and needs. Our local candidates have their policy statements in this issue of The Mountain-Ear.

In a recent online article, Mayor Randall Woodfin of Birmingham, Alabama, said this about the importance of local elections:

“Think of it this way—federal elections touch big-picture issues, but quality of daily life starts locally. When you open your front door, in many cases, what your eyes meet and where your feet step are shaped by local government. From the roads you travel down to the school systems your children attend, those important necessities of daily life are defined by local leadership.

“Public safety, first responders, libraries, water management—these and so much more have a direct impact on your day-to-day life, and are fueled by your tax dollars…. [I]t’s imperative that you have a say in where your dollars are going….Federal elections are critical for the future of our democracy, but day-to-day life literally starts at home, locally.”

And it’s not just the people we elect that make a difference. There are state issues on the ballot as well, ranging from abortion to mountain lion hunting to ranked choice voting. Each of these (and some of the others as well) will affect our daily lives. Read your blue book carefully, and vote thoughtfully. Your future and that of your neighbors depend on it.

In keeping with The Mountain-Ear’s emphasis on the importance of local elections , we are highlighting in this issue the responses of candidates for the office of Gilpin County Commissioner to the questionnaire we sent them based on questions submitted by members of the public.

Because one question seemed too specific for inclusion here, we have deleted their responses to “If you could ask one candidate one question, what would it be?” and added it to the questions we’ll be asking the candidates at the Forum, on Friday, September 20.

The responses you will see beginning on page 25 have not been edited in any way; they are exactly how we have received them from the candidates.