The Summer Solstice

Mountain Spirit Astrology

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The glorious golden Summer Solstice opens the heart of the earth on June 20. This elegant gateway to paradise in the mountains is the start of the astrological sign of Cancer, the home of the archetypal goddess, one of the four great turning points, bringing the longest days of the year. The Sun is in nurturing Cancer, as well as artistic Venus and intelligent Mercury.

The day after the Solstice the practical full moon in Capricorn accents loving Cancer, allowing us to implement our plans. Independence Day, on the Fourth of July, is quickly followed by the new moon in Cancer on the fifth. Attention flows to families, children and friends, with wildflowers blooming and celebrations flowering as we cherish our beloved blue-green earth.

Aries - The gateway to summer opens for Aries. Your guide, Mars, is in earthy Taurus accenting remodeling, decorating and planting for you. The destiny part of the heavens continues in Aries, making you fortune’s favorite as you show all of us that we are just perfect the way that we are.

Taurus - Wildflowers everywhere are greeting Taurus. You have abundant energy because Mars, the planet of vitality, is currently in your sign. Creative Venus, your guide, is in home-loving Cancer. You could plan a patio party and delight your friends with amazing food dishes.

Gemini - The talkative twins have given the wheel of the year to celebratory Cancer. The messenger of the gods, your guide Mercury, has also moved in the sign of the Moon Children. Thus you are in sync with the earth as you rejoice with friends and children and family.

Cancer - Happy Birthday, Moon Children! You are leading all of the children of the zodiac through the flower covered gateway into the heart of summer on the solstice on the 20th. Parties in lush gardens with tables festooned with blossoms and scrumptious foods are your specialties.

Leo - Power in partnerships is one of your themes this summer. You define the power couple. You are dedicated to presenting your vision of life to the world. You are comfortable and energetic in the world around you, with friends and in career, as you enter the heart of summer.

Virgo - The Summer Solstice is a fun gateway for you, giving you all sorts of ideas about what you want to do in your future. While a certain amount of these visions have to do with changes to your career, another group focuses on your house and decorating and gardening galore.

Libra - The gracious sign of Libra welcomes the Summer Solstice. While you want to balance all of the corners of your life judiciously, you find that you are drawn magnetically to your home and celebrations and parties. You know how to be the ideal host with heart-felt creativity.

Scorpio - Scorpio greets the Summer Solstice gateway with a heart full of joy. As the mysterious psychic water sign of the zodiac, you bathe in the ocean of the sign of the Moon Children, Cancer. You derive personal power from your relationships as the summer moves forward.

Sagittarius - Big lucky Jupiter is your guide and he has just moved into your opposite sign of partnerships, Gemini, for one year. You are so in demand and this will grow over the year ahead. This is a lucky time for relationships, so amp up the ones that you have and gather more.

Capricorn - You bring winter to the planet, and your magnetic opposite Cancer brings in Summer. You have an active month ahead, with everyone everywhere wanting to go to the beach with you, or invite you for dinner, or dance with you under the warm, flower scented moonlight.

Aquarius - The power planet Pluto has now entered Aquarius for 20 years so prepare to redesign the planet for the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. This is major, allowing you to develop personal power in the years to come. Enjoy the luscious summer ahead in the mountains.

Pisces - The world around is lush and lovely. As we approach our nation’s birthday on the Fourth of July, we remember that the noble President Lincoln spoke about the mystic chords of memory, binding us to the families and friendships who resonate at the core of our being.

Karen Anderson is available for reading at 303-258-7258.