Rodents in the glovebox


The colder weather seems to be a catalyst for rodents nesting in cars. Rodent damage to cars can be significant and can run into the hundreds or even thousands of dollars. Even cars in garages can be subjected to rodent infestations. Winterizing cars should include taking measures to prevent rodents from taking up residence in the glovebox.

Since rodents (mice, chipmunks, squirrels, voles) have a tendency to shred the papers in a glovebox for bedding, critical papers like the registration and insurance card should be kept in a thick plastic folder for protection.

While there are a myriad of ways and products to kill rodents, there are also some less lethal ways to deter them. Live traps cost about $9 at ACE Hardware in Nederland. Rodents should be released away from the property because they can find their way back from as far away as two miles.

One low-cost way to deter them is to put a bar of soap (Irish Spring not Dove or Camay) and cinnamon sticks in the glovebox. The combination of manly deodorant and a sweet smell is supposed to discourage them from sticking around.

For about $35 a gallon, there is a peppermint spray that can be sprayed on the engine and wires to deter rodents. Pure Origin Products ( produces a spray called Mighty Mint that can be bought at Home Depot or online from Amazon. The drawback with it is that it is supposed to be applied multiple times per week. It does leave a nice minty smell to the car.

In the high-tech category of products, there are ultrasonic devices that emit a high-pitched sound and strobe lights that are under the hood and wired to the car battery. The more advanced ones can change the frequency of their pitch so that the rodents can’t get used to the sound. One drawback is that there are people with sensitive hearing who can hear these ultrasonic sounds. The search term for these products is: Rodent repellents for cars.

There are also repellents in a bag like Botanical Rodent Repellent by EarthKind ( that can be placed under a car to keep rodents away. These bean bag like products work best indoors in a garage. They lose effectiveness over time so need to be replaced about every 30 days.

If rodent damage occurs, Daniel Murphy of Murphy’s Garage in Rollinsville (303-258-3087) is one of the best mechanics around for fixing electrical problems. He usually has a busy schedule but is willing to work with customers who have serious rodent damage.

It’s hard to say why rodents are attracted to cars. Maybe it’s the heat of the engine or being out of the wind and weather. Maybe they just like cars like the dog Enzio in The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein who wanted to be a race car driver. Whatever the reason, it is worth it to take steps to keep them out of cars because it saves money and prevents problems on cold winter days.